Thursday, February 01, 2007

Last Chance for Romance at the Fathter Daughter Dance.

Am I over-thinking this?

I recently took my daughter to her school's annual "Father Daughter Dance." A fun time was had by all. (It's fun to mock the few ugly dresses, as well as the high school girls wearing baby doll nighty-style dresses with four inch 'come fuck me pumps'--do their parents realize their daughters look like pregnant whores?)

Excuse me, I digress.

The point of this blog is the music. The band was really good. And the crowd was really getting into it.

But I just could not. You see, I have a brain. And, occasionally, I use it--along with my ears. And I was creeped out by some of the song lyrics. You see, I don't think a "Father Daughter Dance" should be anyone's "last chance for romance" and I certainly do not want to "do a little dance, make a little love" and "get down tonight" with my daughter. The first one, sure. The third one, maybe (depends on what you mean by 'get down'). The second one? No way.

My question to you, gentle reader (not that anyone reads this blog, as far as I know), is: Am I over-thinking this?


Blogger Pooji said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Pooji said...

Oh, yeah, there was also Labelle song "Lady Marmalade" with it's famous question: "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?"

Avec ma fille? Non!

God, I wish I had Selective Repressed Memory Syndrome....

3:24 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

hehehe...I love that I checked into your blog while here at work at the BGC.

What does BGC stand for, you ask? Baptist General Conference.


But your daddy-daughter song observations are amusing. Just be glad they didn't play any Divynals...

9:19 AM  
Blogger Pooji said...

Sorry about that, Rob. I should have warned you with the NSFW label....

9:43 AM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

No. You are not overthinking this. Not at all. Everybody else is underthinking it. Icky.

2:27 PM  

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