Monday, June 2, 2008

Am I Psychic?

I could not sleep last night. I made sure to drink no caffeine on Sunday, but I just could not fall asleep.

When I finally did, the phone rang.

It was my father, letting me know that Mom had died.

I could not then fall back asleep.

This morning, I have talked to several people by phone.

Apparently, the last forty-eight hours were bad; my father's assessment is that Mom was suffering. He was a bit angry with himself for falling asleep right before she died. I told him that he can't stay up forever. Doreen was there, checking on Mom every 10 minutes. So, she woke Dad up and that's that. Mom was very lucky to have such great friends. And I can't think of many exes who would be there thirty-two years after they split up.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Heart Skips a Beat

Yesterday (Wednesday) evening, I am at work, counting down the minutes until I can leave.

My cell phone rings and my heart skips a beat--it is my father's ringtone. Dreading "the call" (as I think of it), I answer.

Of course, nothing had really changed. He was just calling to see how I was, and give me an update.

It's sort of amusing (to me, anyway) how freaked out I was for a few seconds. I guess, the emotional roller coaster ride continues....

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