Saturday, September 23, 2006

I just paid $7.20 for a grilled chicken wrap with spinach and feta cheese, plus a small bottle of water. I didn’t realize the damn wrap cost $5.95, it wasn’t posted anywhere. If the wrap hadn’t been as tasty as it was I’d feel a lot more ripped off than I do. I even told the guy at the counter that I wouldn’t be doing that again, that $5.95 for that wrap was outrageous.

I finished up my last week at the temp job that has paid the bills for the last few months. I start a regular full-time job a week from tomorrow. I’ll miss some of the people I’ve been working with, but I doubt I’ll ever feel the need to contact any of them again. The job served its purpose, it kept me in rent and bill money. But I doubt I’d have been able to stay there indefinitely. The job was a crashing bore, all I basically did was keep an eye on one guy’s calendar and sort of keep an eye on another guy’s calendar. There was the occasional bit of typing, transcribing meeting notes, stuff like that.

Sounds like a sweet gig, actually, but there’s a catch. Working at this company is the meanest nastiest creature I’ve ever worked with. A poisonous ill-mannered bitch. Hostility oozes from every pore. Simple questions are answered with blatant annoyance and anger. Now I’ve worked with some mean nasty people in the past, but they could usually be depended on to at least be civil enough for work to get accomplished. Even the most monstrous boss I’ve ever encountered, a woman I’d gladly see torn apart by wolves, could assign tasks without making me want to see her dead. But not this bitch.

I spent the first six weeks I was there in a panic that I’d done something wrong, that I’d alienated her in some way, but a quick trip through the mental rolodex turned up nothing: I’d always been nice and polite and done good enough work. And it isn’t like she was a VP or anything, she’s an Executive Assistant just like I was. So I didn’t let it get to me too much, beyond the occasional ventfest with my partner Bob.

And then one day she just plain went several steps too far. I got a phone call from her that crossed the line in sheer blatant fucking rudeness. I had done nothing out of line. I had, at her boss’ request, left a voicemail for her on her cellphone. I thought nothing of it, until the bitch in question (BIQ hereafter) called me and let me know in the strongest language and rudest tone of voice that I shouldn’t ever do that again. It was the last straw. I did something I’m not particularly happy about, but it was the only way I could think of to handle the situation. I just cut her off completely. I didn’t acknowledge her existence, I didn’t speak to her unless spoken to, if she came to my desk I would face away from her and address all responses to the computer monitor. How fucking third grade can you get? But it seemed to work. And I made a gesture. When the bitch came back from vacation I went over to her desk and was all bright and chatty and asked about her trip, and that was good for a few days. And soon thereafter the BIQ went back to her usual rotten terrible self.

I had also done some investigating, just asking folks I trusted about the BIQ, and found that I was far from alone. A co-worker referred to the BIQ as being “just an evil person.” Another co-worker would not discuss the BIQ, only shake his head and make strangling motions with his hands. My boss, when I finally had to ask him what the story was, called the BIQ an “albatross.” Apparently the BIQ was notorious for being hellish, and was only there under the protection of her rather less monstrous but still pretty difficult boss.

I can only be relieved that the BIQ and I will not have anything further to do with each other. I’ll admit that I have occasionally considered some post-partum revenge, like sending her dog shit in the mail or adding her e-mail address to assorted S&M porn sites, but I doubt I will do it.
Am I asking too much? Am I asking the impossible?

Why the fuck won't my goddamm mutherfucking $500 PDA connect to my motherfuckin' $2000 PC and fucking sync up? This worthless piece of shit (never buy a Palm - they suck!) will sync up with my crappy work PC, but has not worked at home for the four years I've had it. And I tried it one three different computers. What a worthless piece of cocksucking goddamm babyraping shit cunt motherfuck bunghole turdmunching shit.

Is it asking too much out of corporate america that their fucking overpriced shit actually work as advertised? That stuff which is supposed to take "5 minutes" to accomplish can actually get done in less than five hours? Or can actually get done at all? Jesusfuckingchrist!!

I understand we live in the capitalist age. You can't get something for nothing. You get what you pay for. So when I pay a lot of money for something, I expect it to work. Support is worthless, if it's not completely nonexistant. I don't want to talk to fucking Apu in GangBangladore fuckin' India if it doesn't work. Give me someone with a brain who knows about the product.

Does corporate America really wonder why consumers have no brand loyalty? Why do consumers desert a product line as soon as something cheaper comes along? We have no brand loyalty because the butthead accounting who fuckin' cut corners to make an extry penny per unit have created a society where getting something cheaper is better than getting something done right. Thank you, Wal-Mart, for ruining the USA. If Al-Qaeda had targetted your fucking corporate headquarters, they'd be heroes instead of the terrorist scumbag goat-fucking pedophile bung-eaters they are.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Poor old Steve Irwin. I can't say I'm too upset, he never meant anything at all to me. Am I the only one who is kind of amused that he wasn't torn apart by crocodiles, but got it from a stingray through the heart?

On the other hand, I can think of other people I'd much rather see dead by stingray than Steve Irwin. Certain members of the Republican hierarchy, for example. Why don't they ever die spectacularly stupid deaths by stingray or painful deaths of cancer? Is it part of the Deal With Satan that you sign when you join that hellish cabal? A long-delayed natural death after a life of undeserved privilege while oppressing freedom and decency and destroying the Constitution and the American Way in return for eternal damnation? Who but Dick Cheney would sign on the dotted line for that?

Friday, September 15, 2006

From The Japan Times: In 1998, Steve Irwin said: "Our whole passion to be on this planet is to educate people about wildlife. I will die doing that." Wow, he was psychic, too.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Idea stolen from - hit refresh until you get five quotations that describe you.

The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you shine on it, the more it will contract. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841 - 1935)

A technical objection is the first refuge of a scoundrel. - Heywood Broun (1888 - 1939), ''Jam-Tomorrow' Progressives,' New Republic, December 15, 1937

College isn't the place to go for ideas. - Helen Keller (1880 - 1968)

Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but, unlike charity, it should end there. - Clare Booth Luce (1903 - 1987)

Deep doubts, deep wisdom; small doubts, little wisdom. - Chinese Proverb