Dilbert is a documentary. My experiences here prove it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Been a while...but I gotta vent.

New thing today. A consultant, who has been here for years, sends my boss an email this morning, saying that "nothing's working."

Senorita Gilligan (my boss) says something to the effect of, "I thought moving these databases was transparent and we wouldn't have to notify the programmers." Don't know where it got that idea, because I never said that. Anyway, I asked for specifics, and this consultant told Senorita Gilligan that database x and database y didn't work. Hmmmm, I responded that database x was down because we are refreshing it--all the programmers were informed two days ago this was coming. And as for database y, yes, there were some problems this morning, but they were all fixed by 10 a.m.

Great way to start the day.

***** later

OK, just talked to the consultant. Never said any such thing to Senorita Gilligan. What a complete fucking total lying asshole Senorita Gilligan is! Such a turd, the entire world should know.

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