Blogs. And more blogs.
Some of these bloggers I know. Some I don't; I just stumbled over their blogs and read them. And some of these blogs might be mine. But maybe not.


single best blog post ever:
This Week in F—— You Oprah

some blogs
jenMcKen Photography •  Profantasy's Map-making Journal •  Simon J. Rogers •  Smart Ass Cripple •  Pop Culture has AIDS •  Rath of the Times •  Law and the Multiverse •  Dave's Mechanical Pencils •  DMP Lead Free •  Nova Americana •  Alydar •  Ard •  hppodcraft •  Devil Reef Tiki Bar •  Blather •  Milwaukee Public Stupid •  Men Are Such Cunts •  MilwaukeeWorld •  garfield minus garfield •  Me Thinks? •  Rose-colored world •  The Dewey Blog •  Nerd Armada •  Jason Meeker •  slactivist •  Battleland (Time magazine) • 

Film blogs (et al.)
Roscoe Writes  •  Edward Copeland on Film  •  Ferdy on Films  •  Movie Palace  •  Michael's Mixed Media Playroom  •  My Twitterface  •  Monstruos Calientes  •  Film for the Soul  •  Mystery Man on Film  •  Valerie Atherton's Playground and Intellectual Department  •  goatdog's movies  •  Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule  •  Elvis Needs Boats  •  I Like to Watch TV  •  Chlotrudis Society for Independent Film  • 

Sports blogs
Anonymous Eagle •  Z. Over There (domer Zach H. in Germany)  •  Confessions of a Sports Junkie (Dave Wegiel)  •  Pee Your Pants for the Brewers (I kid you not)  •  George Mason Basketball  •  Yellow Chair Sports  •  Cracked Sidewalks  •  Milwaukee Panther Tracks  •  Second and 9  •  DC Sports Bog  •  Gheorghe the Blog  •  Dome and Domer  •  Ladies...  •  Kissing Suzy Kolber  • 

Oracle-related blogs
Structured Data  •  Andrew John Todd  •  Robert Freeman  •  Dan Norris •  Robert Vollman •  Jonathan Lewis •  Paweł Barut •  Usn's IT Blog •  Oracle Wiki--List of Blogs • 

RPGers' blogs
Ready Action •  Rob's Random Musings •  Lemuria Press (formerly The Analytical Engine) •  Charlie's Diary (formerly here) •  Banantalis •  What Worries Jeff Dee? •  Learjn •  skerrit •  Calentir •  Athelis •  The Mongoose Disciple •  The Babbling of Wooz •  Miz Sylver •  Scriblings of Madness • 

not Blogs (Milwaukee information)
On Milwuaukee •  Express Milwaukee •  Milwaukee Decider • 

Last Updated 20 August 2011

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